There are some contemporaries, not only in Germany, who seriously maintain to say, that the accordion would no more be up to date. For us an incomprehensible point of view.
True is, that since the middle of the 70th, last century, the accordion was partly driven out of popularity through instruments like the organa, keyboard, last but not least, the guitar. These instruments are considered to be modern and to have an easier handling. Furthermore, with the electronic ones, you have the choice to generate the desired rhythms without further efforts. Despite these innovations, the old conventional accordion experienced a clear revival. How can this be explained? Perhaps that is why the tones of an accordion seem to have an more natural effect, compared with the electronical instruments?! In many new songs / hits, in the Jazz-music even in the gipsy-music, the old genuine and unmistakable sound, produced by an accordion, can be heard again.
It is also true, that in other countries like the USA, Argentina, Columbia, Finland etc. the accordion music with all it‘s different styles was furthermore cultivated without any interruption. A development of the accordion into a classic direction however could not take place in the Third Reich because the Nazis interfered and prohibited all performances of classic music for accordions. Probably the reason therefore was, that during this time existed a mania for classic “Wagner music” and the Nazis feared a „pollution“ through the sounds of the accordions.
A brutal restriction into the to date still existing liberal music scene in Germany. But the consequence of that violence was, that a long time the accordion in classic circles was frowned and considered to be an instrument only for proletarians. It‘s a shame, but this attitude towards the accordion is still prevailing in many heads of the classic purists – and not only in theirs, but also around the world. What presumption of intolerant!
True is, that since the middle of the 70th, last century, the accordion was partly driven out of popularity through instruments like the organa, keyboard, last but not least, the guitar. These instruments are considered to be modern and to have an easier handling. Furthermore, with the electronic ones, you have the choice to generate the desired rhythms without further efforts. Despite these innovations, the old conventional accordion experienced a clear revival. How can this be explained? Perhaps that is why the tones of an accordion seem to have an more natural effect, compared with the electronical instruments?! In many new songs / hits, in the Jazz-music even in the gipsy-music, the old genuine and unmistakable sound, produced by an accordion, can be heard again.
It is also true, that in other countries like the USA, Argentina, Columbia, Finland etc. the accordion music with all it‘s different styles was furthermore cultivated without any interruption. A development of the accordion into a classic direction however could not take place in the Third Reich because the Nazis interfered and prohibited all performances of classic music for accordions. Probably the reason therefore was, that during this time existed a mania for classic “Wagner music” and the Nazis feared a „pollution“ through the sounds of the accordions.
A brutal restriction into the to date still existing liberal music scene in Germany. But the consequence of that violence was, that a long time the accordion in classic circles was frowned and considered to be an instrument only for proletarians. It‘s a shame, but this attitude towards the accordion is still prevailing in many heads of the classic purists – and not only in theirs, but also around the world. What presumption of intolerant!
A declaration of love!
truth is that the accordion since the mid-seventies, partly from other instruments, such as the Organa, the keyboard has been replaced but especially through the guitar popularity. The electronic instruments that can produce either the desired electronic rhythms are considered modern and easily playable. Despite these developments experienced the traditional accordion to be recorded clearly a renaissance. How can this be explained? Is it because that act on the accordion sounds produced more natural than that posed by the electronic instruments? In many new songs / hits in jazz music, even in the gypsy music again the unique, genuine, produced from the accordion sound is heard.
It is also true that while the accordion music was in other countries like the USA, Argentina, Colombia, Finland, etc. being maintained with different styles of the accordion in the Nazi period in Germany, however, a Developing them into classical music, probably "contaminate" existing at that time because of the Wagner music craze, which no classical accordion sounds could have been denied.
a brutal interference in the music scene, which to date could still be considered liberal. The result, however, was that the accordion was considered a long time in classical circles as proletarians instrument and was therefore frowned upon. This attitude can, unfortunately, still today in many of the self-proclaimed "purists of classical music" - and not only these - are observed in the world.
intolerant What a presumption!
A declaration of love!
There are a contemporary, not only in Germany, who claim seriously, what the accordion could be nothing more than today. For us a center of interest incomprehensible.
is true that from the middle of the seventies, Sigli past, the accordion was in part driven by the popularity of instruments like the organ, keyboard and guitar. These instruments are considered to be more modern management easier too. In addition to electronic instruments can choose different rates without large deployments. Despite these innovations, accordion, old and conventional, there has been a clear revival. As you can explain? Maybe it's because the sound of an accordion seems to have a more natural effect, similar to electronic instruments? In many songs / hits new in the music of Jazz, also in the guitanos, you can hear again the old, genuine and unmistakable sound, produced by an accordion.
is also true that in other countries like the United States, Argentina, Colombia, Finland etc., Accordion music with many different styles was developed permanent ie, without interruption. Address development in a classic style could not have place in time "rule terzero" in Germany because the Nazis were seized and banned scenes classic with accordions. Perhaps the argument for this was that during this time there was a mania in the classical music composer's "Wagner" and these Nazi-offenders feared contamination by the sounds of accordions.
A brutal restrictions on the music scene in Germany at this time was liberal and intact. But this violence was the accordion in Classical circles was considered to be an instrument only the proletarian. It's a shame, but this attitude towards the accordion is still present in muchas cabezas de los puristas classicos – y no solamente en aquéllos, pero tambien en todo el mundo. Qué presunción intolerante !
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