Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cellular Respiration Lab 5 Ap Bio

Gioconda = "The Serene (Woman)," Manufacturer: unknown, year of construction: approx. 1939

Gioconda - Our first Thought WAS to take this instrument for an Italian one. However in the part of the bass we found some stamps, that proved to be of German origin. One stamp showed the abbreviation D.R.G.M. that means “Deutsches-Reichs-Gebrauchs-Muster” or „Utility patent of the German empire".

It has a compact shape, one can play on it and despite of its age, it is pretty good preserved. The exact year of construction as well as the manufacturer are unknown, but we presume, that it was constructed from the company Ernst Meinl, Graslitz, Germany at the end of the thirtieth last century. The producer used small imprinted triangles and numbers for the identification of its reed plates.

The instrument disposes of 34 piano keys with 3 choirs in the treble and 80 bass buttons with 5 choirs as well as one push switch in the treble. Who knows something more about this type of accordion?!

By the way: Gioconda is the best-known Italian opera of the composer Amilcare Ponchielli, who was born 1834 in Paderno Fasolare / Italy and died 1886 in Milan. The opera is based on the drama “Angelo, tyran de Padue (Padova), that was written by Victor Hugo. In Cremona still exists a monument of Ponchielli (pronunciation ch = k). To his students belonged among others also Giacomo Puccini.

Also the “Mona Lisa” (Oil by Leonardo da Vinci, Louvre / Paris) is called “Gioconda”. Why? It’s because she smiles serenely.

accordion Gioconda = "The Joyous", Manufacturer: unknown, built around 1939

Gioconda - Our first assumption was that it would be, for this accordion at an Italian model. In the bass part, however, there were several punches, which indicated clearly to a German factory. A stamp was: DRGM, which stands for "Deutsches Reich-use pattern" means.

It is compact, playable and, despite his age amazingly well preserved. The small producers were impressed triangles and numbers to identify its reeds.
The exact year of construction and the Manufacturers, however, are unknown to us. We assume that it was built by Ernst Meinl, Graslitz the late thirties, the last century.

The instrument has 34 piano keys, 3 choirs in Diskantteil and 80 bass buttons with 5 voices in the bass part and a pressure in the treble.
anyone know anything more about this instrument?

way: Gioconda is the most famous Italian opera by Amilcare Ponchielli (born in 1834 in Paderno Fasolare / Cremona, died in 1886 in Milan) was composed. The opera is based on the drama "Angelo, tyran de Padu (Padua), which was written by Victor Hugo. Cremona is also an Ponchielli - Monument (debate ch = k). Among his students were also included Giacomo Puccini.

The "Mona Lisa" (painting by Leonardo da Vinci, Louvre / Paris) is called by the Italians "Gioconda." Why? Because these cheerful smiles.

Acordeón Gioconda = La Serena, Fabricante: Desconocido,
Año de Fabricación
: aprox. 1939
Gioconda - Nuestra primera idea fue de considerar este instrumento de ser italiano. Pero en la parte del bajo hubimos encontrado some stamps that proved to be the German origin. One of the stamps showed the DRGM abbreviation meaning "-Deutsches Reichs-Gebrauchs-Muster" or "Utility Model German Empire."

The accordion has a very compact exterior is well prepared to play. Despite his age, in good condition. The precise year of manufacture and the manufacturer of this instrument are unknown, but we suppose that it was built by Ernst Meinl, Graslitz, Germany at the end of the thirties, the last century. The manufacturer utalizó small triangles and numbers, recorded as a result of the identification of reeds. The instrument has

of 34 piano keys 3 choirs in the treble and 80 bass buttons with 5 additional vocals and a record of pressure in the treble. Who knows a little more of this type of accordion?

By the way: Mona Lisa is the most famous Italian opera composer Amilcare Ponchielli, born 1834 in Paderno Fasolare / Italy and died 1886 in Milano. The opera, by basing on the drama "Angelo, Tyran de Padua (Padova)" was written by Victor Hugo. In Cremona there - even today - a monument of Ponchielli (pronounced ch = k). One of his students - among others - was Giacomo Puccini.

Even the "Mona Lisa" (Oil of Leonardo da Vinci, Louvre / Paris) is called “Gioconda”. Por que? Porque sonrie serenamente.

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