Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Online Salon Blueprints

Doro AUB300i technical information for the installer

The Doro AUB300i is constructed to be used behind a European PABX and intended to be driven by the line current from the PABX.
AUB300i is not approved to be used on a European PSTN network.

Technical requirement when the AUB300i us driven by the line on the PABX
1. Line current:
  • 20mA
  • If message waiting isn't used: 12mA

2. The PABX must accept a DC resistand ON-HOOK at ~600kohm. The TBR21 requirements is >1MOhm. There is a very little ristk that this could be a problem. The problem that could be present is that the PABX can't detect on or off-hook status.

3. The PABX must accept 12mA transient Response during the first 6 milliseconds after first connection. The TBR21 requirement is 10mA. This could only be a problem at limited amount of PABX if many AUB300i are connected at exactly the same time.


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