Saturday, January 30, 2010

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Gioconda = "The Serene (Woman)," Manufacturer: unknown, year of construction: approx. 1939

Gioconda - Our first Thought WAS to take this instrument for an Italian one. However in the part of the bass we found some stamps, that proved to be of German origin. One stamp showed the abbreviation D.R.G.M. that means “Deutsches-Reichs-Gebrauchs-Muster” or „Utility patent of the German empire".

It has a compact shape, one can play on it and despite of its age, it is pretty good preserved. The exact year of construction as well as the manufacturer are unknown, but we presume, that it was constructed from the company Ernst Meinl, Graslitz, Germany at the end of the thirtieth last century. The producer used small imprinted triangles and numbers for the identification of its reed plates.

The instrument disposes of 34 piano keys with 3 choirs in the treble and 80 bass buttons with 5 choirs as well as one push switch in the treble. Who knows something more about this type of accordion?!

By the way: Gioconda is the best-known Italian opera of the composer Amilcare Ponchielli, who was born 1834 in Paderno Fasolare / Italy and died 1886 in Milan. The opera is based on the drama “Angelo, tyran de Padue (Padova), that was written by Victor Hugo. In Cremona still exists a monument of Ponchielli (pronunciation ch = k). To his students belonged among others also Giacomo Puccini.

Also the “Mona Lisa” (Oil by Leonardo da Vinci, Louvre / Paris) is called “Gioconda”. Why? It’s because she smiles serenely.

accordion Gioconda = "The Joyous", Manufacturer: unknown, built around 1939

Gioconda - Our first assumption was that it would be, for this accordion at an Italian model. In the bass part, however, there were several punches, which indicated clearly to a German factory. A stamp was: DRGM, which stands for "Deutsches Reich-use pattern" means.

It is compact, playable and, despite his age amazingly well preserved. The small producers were impressed triangles and numbers to identify its reeds.
The exact year of construction and the Manufacturers, however, are unknown to us. We assume that it was built by Ernst Meinl, Graslitz the late thirties, the last century.

The instrument has 34 piano keys, 3 choirs in Diskantteil and 80 bass buttons with 5 voices in the bass part and a pressure in the treble.
anyone know anything more about this instrument?

way: Gioconda is the most famous Italian opera by Amilcare Ponchielli (born in 1834 in Paderno Fasolare / Cremona, died in 1886 in Milan) was composed. The opera is based on the drama "Angelo, tyran de Padu (Padua), which was written by Victor Hugo. Cremona is also an Ponchielli - Monument (debate ch = k). Among his students were also included Giacomo Puccini.

The "Mona Lisa" (painting by Leonardo da Vinci, Louvre / Paris) is called by the Italians "Gioconda." Why? Because these cheerful smiles.

Acordeón Gioconda = La Serena, Fabricante: Desconocido,
Año de Fabricación
: aprox. 1939
Gioconda - Nuestra primera idea fue de considerar este instrumento de ser italiano. Pero en la parte del bajo hubimos encontrado some stamps that proved to be the German origin. One of the stamps showed the DRGM abbreviation meaning "-Deutsches Reichs-Gebrauchs-Muster" or "Utility Model German Empire."

The accordion has a very compact exterior is well prepared to play. Despite his age, in good condition. The precise year of manufacture and the manufacturer of this instrument are unknown, but we suppose that it was built by Ernst Meinl, Graslitz, Germany at the end of the thirties, the last century. The manufacturer utalizó small triangles and numbers, recorded as a result of the identification of reeds. The instrument has

of 34 piano keys 3 choirs in the treble and 80 bass buttons with 5 additional vocals and a record of pressure in the treble. Who knows a little more of this type of accordion?

By the way: Mona Lisa is the most famous Italian opera composer Amilcare Ponchielli, born 1834 in Paderno Fasolare / Italy and died 1886 in Milano. The opera, by basing on the drama "Angelo, Tyran de Padua (Padova)" was written by Victor Hugo. In Cremona there - even today - a monument of Ponchielli (pronounced ch = k). One of his students - among others - was Giacomo Puccini.

Even the "Mona Lisa" (Oil of Leonardo da Vinci, Louvre / Paris) is called “Gioconda”. Por que? Porque sonrie serenamente.

© ani.pas

Saturday, January 23, 2010

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The declaration of love!

There are some contemporaries, not only in Germany, who seriously maintain to say, that the accordion would no more be up to date. For us an incomprehensible point of view.

True is, that since the middle of the 70th, last century, the accordion was partly driven out of popularity through instruments like the organa, keyboard, last but not least, the guitar. These instruments are considered to be modern and to have an easier handling. Furthermore, with the electronic ones, you have the choice to generate the desired rhythms without further efforts. Despite these innovations, the old conventional accordion experienced a clear revival. How can this be explained? Perhaps that is why the tones of an accordion seem to have an more natural effect, compared with the electronical instruments?! In many new songs / hits, in the Jazz-music even in the gipsy-music, the old genuine and unmistakable sound, produced by an accordion, can be heard again.

It is also true, that in other countries like the USA, Argentina, Columbia, Finland etc. the accordion music with all it‘s different styles was furthermore cultivated without any interruption. A development of the accordion into a classic direction however could not take place in the Third Reich because the Nazis interfered and prohibited all performances of classic music for accordions. Probably the reason therefore was, that during this time existed a mania for classic “Wagner music” and the Nazis feared a „pollution“ through the sounds of the accordions.

A brutal restriction into the to date still existing liberal music scene in Germany. But the consequence of that violence was, that a long time the accordion in classic circles was frowned and considered to be an instrument only for proletarians. It‘s a shame, but this attitude towards the accordion is still prevailing in many heads of the classic purists – and not only in theirs, but also around the world. What presumption of intolerant!

A declaration of love!

There are some contemporaries, not only in Germany, claim seriously that the accordion was no longer contemporary. Incomprehensible for us view.

truth is that the accordion since the mid-seventies, partly from other instruments, such as the Organa, the keyboard has been replaced but especially through the guitar popularity. The electronic instruments that can produce either the desired electronic rhythms are considered modern and easily playable. Despite these developments experienced the traditional accordion to be recorded clearly a renaissance. How can this be explained? Is it because that act on the accordion sounds produced more natural than that posed by the electronic instruments? In many new songs / hits in jazz music, even in the gypsy music again the unique, genuine, produced from the accordion sound is heard.

It is also true that while the accordion music was in other countries like the USA, Argentina, Colombia, Finland, etc. being maintained with different styles of the accordion in the Nazi period in Germany, however, a Developing them into classical music, probably "contaminate" existing at that time because of the Wagner music craze, which no classical accordion sounds could have been denied.

a brutal interference in the music scene, which to date could still be considered liberal. The result, however, was that the accordion was considered a long time in classical circles as proletarians instrument and was therefore frowned upon. This attitude can, unfortunately, still today in many of the self-proclaimed "purists of classical music" - and not only these - are observed in the world.
intolerant What a presumption!

A declaration of love!

There are a contemporary, not only in Germany, who claim seriously, what the accordion could be nothing more than today. For us a center of interest incomprehensible.

is true that from the middle of the seventies, Sigli past, the accordion was in part driven by the popularity of instruments like the organ, keyboard and guitar. These instruments are considered to be more modern management easier too. In addition to electronic instruments can choose different rates without large deployments. Despite these innovations, accordion, old and conventional, there has been a clear revival. As you can explain? Maybe it's because the sound of an accordion seems to have a more natural effect, similar to electronic instruments? In many songs / hits new in the music of Jazz, also in the guitanos, you can hear again the old, genuine and unmistakable sound, produced by an accordion.

is also true that in other countries like the United States, Argentina, Colombia, Finland etc., Accordion music with many different styles was developed permanent ie, without interruption. Address development in a classic style could not have place in time "rule terzero" in Germany because the Nazis were seized and banned scenes classic with accordions. Perhaps the argument for this was that during this time there was a mania in the classical music composer's "Wagner" and these Nazi-offenders feared contamination by the sounds of accordions.

A brutal restrictions on the music scene in Germany at this time was liberal and intact. But this violence was the accordion in Classical circles was considered to be an instrument only the proletarian. It's a shame, but this attitude towards the accordion is still present in muchas cabezas de los puristas classicos – y no solamente en aquéllos, pero tambien en todo el mundo. Qué presunción intolerante !


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

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Press the charity concert

North Bavarian News on 19/01/2010

radiated Ihna dancers vied
proceeds of the folklore evening goes to the project "Blue Sky" in Vladimir

Gremsdorf - In favor of the project "Blue Sky" was held in Vladimir weekend a charity event instead. In the Russian city of Erlangen, the project supports children who spend their life in a closed psychiatric institution. The dance and folk music ensemble Ihna travels to Russia in April, will visit the project and pass on the opportunity to collect donations at the concert evening.

The program of the folklore ensemble includes traditional songs and dances from Western Pomerania. Among them were an impressive sword dance and "The Wedding in Pyritz Weiz field." In the dance performances impressed especially the rapid costume changes between the dances, which required the subject and a different origin of the performer's clothing.

from perfect formation in the circle dance of sophisticated artistic contributions to comic representations Ihna offered a program that was very diverse and entertaining. Particularly noteworthy are the professionalism of the group and the sweeping impact of the dancers, who all went up in their roles.

Musicians of the association delivered to clarinet, flute, guitar, accordion and vocals for the best musical entertainment for the evening.

original at:

Fränkischer days from 19/01/2010

The audience gasped
CHARITY The Erlanger Ihna dance group delighted the audience at the Misericordia with daring acrobatics and fiery folk. The money will benefit children in Russia.

Gremsdorf - A charity event in favor of the project "Blue Sky" in Vladimir advised the Forum of Merciful Brothers Gremsdorf on Friday.
supported in the Russian city of Erlangen, the project children who spend their life in a closed psychiatric institution. The dance and folk music ensemble Ihna will travel to Russia in April, in order to inspect the project and to pass on this occasion the evening concert at the collected donations.

Quick costume changes
denied the start of the event on Friday evening, the group acrobatics of the ensemble. With breakneck stunts the eight young artistes kept the audience in suspense.

How the Brothers of Mercy announced, the Folklore Ensemble also led to traditional songs and dances from Western Pomerania. Including a fascinating sword dance and "The Wedding in Pyritz Weiz field" were. In the dance performances impressed especially the rapid costume changes between the dances, which required for their respective topics, the appropriate clothing. Perfect formation of the circle dance of sophisticated artistic contributions to comic representations Ihna offered a program that was very diverse and entertaining.
Special attention deserves the professionalism of the group and the sweeping impact of the dancers, the whole went up in their roles. Meanwhile, the musicians provided the association with clarinets, flutes, guitar, accordion and vocals for the appropriate musical accompaniment to the successful evening.
The residents of the facility Gremsdorf honored the artistic performances with thunderous applause. In addition, there were also many foreign guests attended the charity event with great joy. In this way, joined in Gremsdorf entertaining discussions with the aim of helping needy children.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

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benefit concert for Project Blue Sky in Vladimir

We want our blog readers
a happy new year with good luck and Health
and invite you to our next show is a benefit to the project "Blue Sky" in Vladimir

on Friday, 01/15/2010 at 19 clock in the forum
Brothers of Charity Gremsdorf
Eustace-Kugler-Strasse 1, 91350 Gremsdorf.

you this evening the opportunity to experience the current program acrobatics our group and our folklore ensembles, and are supplied by the catering team at the Misericordia with drinks and snacks. A film review of the Bavarian Radio will provide information about the "blue sky".

Project Blue Sky offers children in Vladimir, who spend their daily lives normally in a closed facility make (eg because of a disability), the possibility of a holiday from everyday life and to have blue sky above. With our presence we want to support this project financially and hand over the money during our visit there in April. Numerous visitors, we would be very happy.

more information about Blue Sky Project:

Friday, January 1, 2010

Locations For Proton Therapy

Hohner Model Organola IIC, approx. 1938

The Organola, another outstanding accordion model of the 30th, last century. Optically seen it was shaped more severely, but it unfolds a powerful sound, so that the name "Organola" - little organ, declares its meaning.

It was “that” top model, made by M. Hohner, at that time provoked only by the following, world famous model, called MORINO.

An impressive accordion, that shows 41 keys, 4 reed boxes and 3 push switches in the descant. The bass has 120 buttons, 3 rows ie 5 voices and a push switch.

This model was probably only made in 1938 and with that, the production number was not too high. The instrument was playable from the first moment after receipt.

Hohner Organola IIc, c. 1938

The Organola is another impressive accordion model from the 30s of last century. Optical design rather strict, but it develops a powerful sound and thus his name Organola = derivation of "little organ" fair. It was "the" top model, made by M. Hohner, which was at that time surpassed only by the following, world famous model MORINO.

It is a very well-developed accordion has 41 keys, 4 pin blocks and 3 Handball Register on the treble side. The bass has 120 bass, 3 reed blocks, ie, 5 choirs and a pressure register.

This model was probably made only in 1938. The production number was therefore probably not too high. The instrument was from the first moment of the reception to be played.

Hohner Modelo Organola IIc, approx. 1938

The Organola, another famous accordion thirties, Sigli past, top-model ", manufactured by M. Hohner, this time caused only by the following world-famous model named "Morin." Contemplated, is made more severe, but he wields a very loud sound. With that, the name "Organola" - small body - declared its significance.

A very impressing accordion, which shows 41 keys, 4 brackets des voices and 3 sliding in the treble registers, which moves under pressure from the thumb ball. The low has 120 BUTTONS, 3 media voices - ie - 5 voices and 1 record slide.

The model was produced probably only in 1938 and with that, the production figure was not as high. At the time of delivery the instrument was in condition to play this directly.

© ani.pas